Andrés Gregorio Pérez

Dead Family (Colombia)

Andrés Gregorio Pérez Dead Family series is an autobiographical and collaborative intervention into censored queer childhood memory. Pérez brings initially hidden gestures of subversion and diversity to the forefront of the image. A self once buried in a heteronormative regime takes action, memory is formed anew. Working with the metaphor of the family album, found footage is written on, reworked with subtle textures, lighting, applications or even finds entirely new back-, middle-, and foregrounds. These interventions into childhood photographs are combined with softly lit portraiture. Portraiture as an intimate act of community and the sharing of one’s story that defies the art-historical cliché of the subject-object relation. What once was an image of a child in hiding, confidently evolves into a part of a new composition. One that articulates the queerness that has always been there, the artist’s very own as well as other queer biographies. Dead Family is a call to collectively re-remember queer biographies from an emancipated point of self-determination.

Andrés Gregorio Pérez Serie Dead Family ist eine autobiografische und collaborative Intervention in zensierte queere Erinnerungen. Pérez holt ursprünglich versteckte Gesten der Subversion und Diversität an die Oberfläche, buchstäblich auf den Vordergrund des Bildes. Ein Ich, das einst im heteronormativen Regime begraben lag, ermächtigt sich, Erinnerung wird neu geformt. Als Metapher des Familienalbums wird auf gefundenes fotografisches Material aus queeren Kindheiten geschrieben, es wird mit plastischen Texturen bearbeitet, neu belichtet oder findet neue Applikationen. So entstehen kompositorische Ordnungen, die, was im Vorder- und im Hintergrund steht, umstrukturieren. Diese Interventionen kombiniert Pérez mit weich belichteten Portraits. Der Akt des Porträtierens wird zur intimen Zusammenkunft, zum Raum für das Teilen und Erzählen von Geschichten – ein Akt, der das kunsthistorische Klischee der Subjekt-Objekt Relation von Künstler und Muse überschreibt. Was einst das sich versteckende Kind war, ermächtigt sich selbstbewusst zum sichtbaren Teil einer neuen Komposition. Eine die die Queerness sichtbar werden lässt, die schon immer da ist. Dead Family ist ein selbstermächtigender Aufruf zur kollektiven Wieder-Erinnerung queerer Biografien.

Natalia Różycka

Love by Natalia Różycka brings the subtle and fluid shades of queer relationships to life. Even though Różycka shows abstract and fluid shapes and forms, the work is narrative.

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Michael Young

Michal Young plays with the vintage iconography of a gay erotic gaze that shaped Young’s own coming of age times in the late 80s and 90s. One collage shows two fragmented excerpts of vintage gay calendars in a subtle interplay of positive and negative space.

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Irina Dmitrovskaya

Irina Dmitrovskaya investigates views on her own sexuality, othered as queer sexuality from the outside. She shows an interplay of closeness and distance, of fragmentation and framing.

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Gökhan Tanrıöver

Evidence of My Sexual Misdemeanor is a precise and conceptual photographic dissection of the experience of forced visibility. The Turkish military forces gay men to out themselves in a, by definition, hostile environment.

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Sara Davidmann

Sara Davidmann takes a narrative approach and works with sentimental and personal found footage. She tells the story of K, a hidden trans biography in her own family history.

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Awuor Onyango, Mal Muga & Namikoye Wanjala

In a formal act of autonomy, Awuor Onyango, Mal Muga and Namikoye Wanjala decided to defy the regulations of the call for single projects and applied as a group with three aesthetically very different projects addressing questions of visibility and queer solidarity.

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Margaret Liang

Margaret Liang’s subjects, including the artist, claim their space with a calm yet determined focus. Instruments of creating a self-determined body image appear as highly stylised icons of resolution.

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Alien’s Bodybuilders are living and breathing artworks. Alien gives a bright and vivid exclusive into queer performance cultures from the UK.

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Asafe Ghalib

Asafe Ghalib’s work sets a powerful stage for an intersectionally discriminated against community. Ghalib’s expressive monochrome portraiture is warm and dramatic.

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