Author Archive
Naraphat Sakarthornsap

Naraphat Sakarthornsap

The day I confided in someone about my sexuality, they took my story and spread it around for fun. This both hurt my feelings and tainted my identity. My trust became gossip. I decided to turn to my childhood friends, my old teachers and even strangers that I had never met before.
Nelson Morales

Nelson Morales

For almost 40 years, the Muxe community of Oaxaca has struggled to be visible and win their own spaces. The Muxes, beyond considering themselves men or women, have transcended the idea of gender to identify themselves as a third gender, and they are always in search of beauty.
Oded Wagenstein

Oded Wagenstein

Research has shown that elders in the LGBTQ+ community are more likely to experience loneliness, exclusion, and fear of turning to health and welfare services. The men pictured in this series, all over seventy, identify themselves as gay and live in Israel.
Raymond Dakoua

Raymond Dakoua

As a straight photographer I felt drawn to this subject because the number of LGBT political refugees in Belgium is fast growing. These people had no choice but to leave their countries of origin, so I wanted to explore the realities they left behind.
Studio Prokopiou

Studio Prokopiou

This selection of single images are taken from various projects from 2016 to 2020 sharing the common theme of self invention of unapologetic queer identities. These are portraits of outsiders as icons. Queer individuals who choose to construct their image to be visibly queer by blurring and challenging the boundaries of gender expression, sexuality and...
Bodily Autonomies

Bodily Autonomies

Professional and amateur photographers from all over the world were invited to submit their work on the topic »Bodily Autonomies« as a central theme. Explore the range of warm personal stories, critical approches, portraits, political statements and abstract processing.
We Are Everywhere

We Are Everywhere

Professional and amateur photographers from all over the world were invited to submit their work on the topic »We Are Everywhere« as a central theme.
Queer Heroes in Focus

Queer Heroes in Focus

Professional and amateur photographers from all over the world were invited to submit their work on the topic »Queer Heroes in Focus« as a central theme. Explore the range of warm personal stories, critical approches, portraits, political statements and abstract processing.
The Rocky Horror Picture Show – Open AirDi 28.05.24 | Marlene-Dietrich-Platz

The Rocky Horror Picture Show – Open Air
Di 28.05.24 | Marlene-Dietrich-Platz

What’s on the slab? Okay, okay, bevor wir alle den sinnlichen Schauern dieses Satzes verfallen, kurz zur Story. Im beschaulichen Denton macht der steife Brad seiner tugendhaften Janet einen Heiratsantrag. Nach der erfolgreichen Verlobung macht sich das Paar auf den Weg, um ihren Mentor Dr. Scott zu besuchen. Eine Autopanne unterbricht die Reise und unsere...
Blue JeanMo 27.05.24 | Karlstorkino

Blue Jean
Mo 27.05.24 | Karlstorkino

England, 1988. Die Sportlehrerin Jean sieht sich zu einem Doppelleben gezwungen: Margaret Thatcher hat mit ihrer konservativen Parlamentsmehrheit gerade Section 28 verabschiedet – ein homophobes Gesetz, das „die Förderung von Homosexualität“ verbietet. Deswegen darf in der Schule niemand wissen, dass Jean lesbisch ist – andernfalls könnte sie ihren Job verlieren.
SlowDi 21.05.24 | Karlstorkino

Di 21.05.24 | Karlstorkino

Als Tanzlehrerin Elena bei einem Kurs für gehörlose Jugendliche dem Gebärdensprachdolmetscher Dovydas begegnet, gibt es sofort eine Anziehung zwischen den beiden. Sie treffen sich wieder, schnell bekommt ihre Freundschaft immer romantischere Züge. Doch als Elena auch Dovydas’ körperliche Nähe sucht, schreckt der zurück und offenbart ihr, dass er asexuell ist.
IFFMH präsentiert: Housekeeping for BeginnersSo 19.05.24 | Karlstorkino

IFFMH präsentiert: Housekeeping for Beginners
So 19.05.24 | Karlstorkino

Eine bunt gemischte Gruppe aus queeren Personen hat bei Dita ein Zuhause. Als deren Partnerin unheilbar erkrankt, nimmt diese der unwilligen Dita den Schwur ab, ihre beiden Töchter großzuziehen. Doch um die Patchworkfamilie zu retten, muss Dita noch viel weiter gehen.