Dorian Electra
am 19. November 2019 im Karlstorbahnhof Heidelberg präsentiert von Queer Festival Heidelberg.
Dorian Electra fordert, mit scharfem Blick, bestehende Geschlechterrollen heraus und stellt sie auf satirische Weise neu dar. Mit futuristischer Anlehnung an den Popsound der 00er und den Funk der 80er hat sich Dorian Electra in kürzester Zeit nicht nur einen Namen in der queeren Szene, sondern auch eine internationale, treue Zuhörerschaft erspielt. 2018 trat Dorian Electra auf dem NYC Pride auf, ging mit diversen Popsternchen wie Rina Sawayana auf Tour und war Support von Pussy Riot. In diesem Jahr kam dann endlich das Debutalbum „Flamboyant“ und dazu die erste eigene Headliner Tour.
Einlass 20.00
AK 15 €, VVK 13,10 €
Karlstorbahnhof Heidelberg, Saal
Rising pop star Dorian Electra (pronouns: they/them/theirs) makes music that defies gender norms. In the past year, their work has gained a queer cult following and led to them being named a must-know talent by Buzzfeed and one of PAPER Magazine’s “100 Women Revolutionizing Pop.” Not only that, but Electra has also quickly built a dedicated fan base thanks to their futuristic spin on 00s pop, 80s funk, and a long-standing love of satirizing rigid gender roles and views on sexuality. A frequent Charli XCX collaborator, Electra was featured on the Pop 2 track “Femmebot (feat. Dorian Electra & Mykki Blanco).” They have also played live with XCX at a number of self-curated shows and after parties. In 2018, Electra performed at NYC Pride, toured with British pop sensation Rina Sawayama and supported Russian group Pussy Riot on their first U.S. tour. Electra’s last three singles and music videos, “Career Boy,” “VIP,” and “Man To Man” have garnered press and playlist spots from Billboard, The Fader, and Nylon among others.