Queer Is Not Anti – Fest | Sa 17.07.21 | 17.00 Uhr | Bumann & SOHN, Köln

≋ art & (live) music ≋
Köln, Bumann & SOHN * o p e n a i r
Saturday, July 17th 2021
doors 5pm, start 6pm – open end
very limited tickets: https://popanz.ticket.io/kpl94f28/
On Saturday, July 17th, Queer Festival Heidelberg will be guest at Bumann & SOHN to present selected works of the exhibition „Queer Is Not Anti“. In order to celebrate queer art, Jorengthericecake, Sherryaeri, Harrison McClary as well as Queer Festival founders will perform at Bumann & SOHN backyard
Presented by Cumming Collective, Bumann & Sohn, Queer Festival Heidelberg & Popanz. With kind support from Neustart Kultur, Initiative Musik, BKM & Kulturamt der Stadt Köln.
a r t
Queer is not Anti – queer is more. Reclaimed from a slur, queer is a word with more than one meaning. Queer is used by individuals to describe their gender or sexual identity as non-conforming with mainstream society. Simultaneously, queer is used as an umbrella term referring to the whole group of people who experience discrimination on the basis of their sexual orientation or identity, gender identity, gender expression and sex characteristics. Queer is the unclear making it clear. Queer is other. Queer is all the lgbtqia and all the plus. Queer is punk. Queer is used as a battle cry against the structural disadvantages society throws at us. It’s gender neutral. It’s intersectional. It is all of us. We are queer and so much more and all at the same time. Queer is anti because you made us the anti. Queer is anti because we are angry. Queer is not just anti because we are more. More than queer, but still queer. Inviting all that is more and still queer. Inviting all the identities to a diverse coalition. Inviting all that is love and sometimes a mess. How do we want to identify? The right answer again ranges on a spectrum, we guess.
Professional and amateur photographers from all over the world were invited to submit their work on the topic “Queer Is Not Anti” as a central theme:
Professional and amateur photographers from all over the world were invited to submit their work on the topic “Queer Is Not Anti” as a central theme:
m u s i c
HARRISON MCCLARY (live) is a SingerSongwriter based in Mannheim currently working on his debut album. His first EP „Softstar“ was released in 2019 and was inspired by music of the 60s and 70s. On July 17th, Harrison McClary and band will play their first concert in Cologne at Bumann & SOHN.
SHERRYAERI (dj) is based in Frankfurt am Main and tries to open spaces of Queer of Color representation through their DJing and spoken word, using their art as an activist weapon for intersectional feminism. As a queer fat femme with egyptian roots, they try to present artists who don’t get as much space as they’d deserve, and mix them with arabic sounds.
JORENGTHERICECAKE (dj) is a non-binary queer artist, currently based in Cologne. It/She’s been working as a sound designer in the field of contemporary art, experimental music, and film since 2016 and writes critiques about new media art/industry. Its musical interest merges with artistic research, focusing on making a sustainable experimental scene and following music genres‘ history.
‚sex‘ © 2015. Naraphat Sakarthornsap (Thailand)